About Eternal Surrender
After the sudden loss of my 11 year old son, Paul Michael, I found myself lost in a world that continued to move at a fast pace as I struggled taking the next step. A friend offered to give us a place of respite where my family and I could spend time overlooking the beauty of God’s creation shutting out all the noises from the world. This time “away” gave me the opportunity to spend quiet time in the Lord’s word and cry out to a God who cares. Lauri’s wisdom to offer us a respite so our family could be alone together helped us open our hearts to begin a new chapter in life. Our prayer is that through Eternal Surrender other families will find rest for their souls and strength through Christ to take the next step in their own grief journey.
Connie Washburn
Founder of Eternal Surrender
Meet Mike and
Connie Washburn,
the founders of Eternal Surrender
Loss is something Mike and Connie have both experienced personally. Connie lost her son, Paul Michael, suddenly to an un-diagnosed blood clot May 10, 2008. Mike lost not one, but two loving wives to cancer. Although Mike and Connie do not pretend to understand God's ways, they do believe He is a loving, sovereign and eternal God. They also believe when we choose to humbly surrender our pain and questions to a God who cares, He will use it for good. After walking their own grief journeys, and realizing there was a great need for bereaved families, they founded Eternal Surrender. Their prayer is that through Christ this organization will be a blessing to others who have also lost a child.